Jephson Gardens

The Society has made some short videos about Leamington.  One, made in 2020, was Six special trees in Jephson Gardens, with a plan Jephson Gardens Tree Walk showing the location of the trees.

In 2021 we followed this by looking at the trees in the gardens through the seasons Winter; Spring; Summer; Autumn  

In 2022 a landmark tree of the gardens, a Cedar of Lebanon, was lost to honey fungus.  This is recorded in a further Society video End of A Cedar.

What’s that tree?  A free leaflet The trees of Jephson Gardens is available from the Visitor Information Centre in the Royal Pump Room which identifies 114 different trees in Jephson Gardens and shows their location.  Identifying them all will take several afternoons.

The Society is grateful to the Town Council and Leamington in Bloom for assistance with producing it.