- Membership costs £15 a year for two or more persons living at the same address, and £10 a year for individual membership.
- Our subscription year runs from 1st April. If you join between 1st January and 31st March, your membership will run until 31st March of the following year.
- Joining online. Select your membership level below and complete the form that appears.
- Joining without using online facility. Contact the Membership Secretary membership@leamingtonsociety.org. Payment may be through your bank account or building society.
- Privacy Policy. When joining the Society, your personal details will only be shared between the small number of trustees (committee members) who need these details to carry out the functions of the society. Your details are never released beyond these trustees. For fuller information see our Privacy Policy.
- Gift membership. You can also give a subscription to the Society valid, currently until 31st March, 2024, at £12 for a single person or £17 for a household. Please contact our membership secretary membership@leamingtonsociety.org for more information. The membership secretary will provide a pack consisting of a leaflet giving details of the Society’s activities, a copy of the latest newsletter and a card depicting the newly restored bandstand.
To join online, select your membership level and complete the form that appears.